Poor Integration Costs You Money and Efficiency

Poor integration will cost you money, time, and efficiencies across your business. Understanding the quality of your integrations before you buy them is key to making sure your business has the best and most up-to-date eCommerce technology and can reduce IT costs.

The Hidden Costs of Poor System Integration

On average, large businesses use over 200 software applications a year for all kinds of business purposes. In fact, one of the biggest challenges for IT is how to integrate all those siloed applications strategically.

While there are various integration approaches to choose from, many companies decide to limit their choices to off-the-shelf applications to reduce IT costs. This often leads to more issues and extra costs than expected.

Here are some signs and approaches to keep in mind when looking for an agile and scalable integration solution. 

Things To Avoid: A dated look and feel of a platform

If a solution looks dated from a UX perspective, it probably is. The latest in eCommerce solutions should look and feel fresh, modern and include the latest features and technology.

If it feels stuck in the ’90s, it is a good chance the technology is not suited for the present day.

team worried about efficiency due to poor integration

Things To Avoid: Backward or nonsensical concept or approach

If you feel the solution provider is giving a concept or approach that doesn’t meet your business needs or feels too good to be true, it probably is!

Make sure the integration solution provider has your best interests at heart and takes your business strategic goals are front of mind and clearly outlined in the approach they are providing. 

To close the gap in your strategies, you need integrated solutions that support technology modernization and automation. Fully integrated solutions provide businesses with benefits like:

  • Ability to integrate with new applications, including SaaS applications
  • A seamless onboarding process for new customers and partners
  • Strategic consultation on how to automate critical transactions and business processes
  • Visibility into end-to-end workflows
  • Benefits and IT cost of integration makes sense

Poor Data = Poor Data Integration 

Once you have chosen a solution that is modern, you must look to your own data and make sure it is in order. Data integration is a partnership. And even with the latest and greatest technology suited to your business needs, cleansing your data is key prior to implementing the integration. 

Cutting-edge technology solutions like VL OMNI’s iPaaS empower teams to drive business agility, automate key business processes, and sell more by synchronizing their tech stack through scalable eCommerce and B2B integration solutions.



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