The VL OMNI Dashboard

The VL OMNI Dashboard, available to all VL OMNI iPaaS customers, provides business intelligence on the performance of all your channels, trading partners, and satellite applications integrated by VL OMNI. 

More than just a single point of access for your integrations, the Dashboard is an administrative hub that allows your team to view invoices, pay bills, and view support links all in one place.

The VL OMNI Dashboard is a customer experience destination for all VL OMNI customers that provides full channel visibility and central point of access for your team to your integrations. 

Real Time

The Dashboard allows our customers to be able to view and analyze real-time data of their sales channels.

Single Unified View

View orders, fulfillments, products, and revenue from all active sales channels in a single unified view.


VL OMNI customers no longer have to manually aggregate and unify their business data.

One Portal

Customers can have an accurate, holistic view of all their sales channels with 24/7 access to Dashboard Status updates.

Watch The VL OMNI Dashboard In Action

Benefits Of Using The VL OMNI Dashboard

View Transactions, Sessions, and Products

Monitor The Health Of Your Workflows
Sort Orders By Fulfillment Status
Dive Into Integration-Specific Analytics
Get Key Alerts On Performance
Download Data as CSV, JSON or XML from the VL OMNI Dashboard
View Multichannel Activity
Receive Daily Status Reports

The Dashboard is now available to all customers on the VL OMNI Platform

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