eBay Updated Guide: Everything Merchants Need To Know About The Marketplace

Most merchants selling on eBay will tell you it’s not exactly easy. Instead, eBay — as with many ecommerce marketplaces today — is more like a finely-tuned chemistry experiment. It takes the right combination of products, technology, and strategy to build a holistic back-end technology stack tailored to your needs and goals that will empower your business to meet ever-changing marketplace requirements. Here’s what you need to know to sell on eBay successfully.

eBay has been a long-standing staple in the online marketplace world. As a major online shopping destination, eBay is worth serious consideration when exploring your sales channel strategy. Though it may have been one of the first online marketplaces, eBay has remained quick to respond to the breakneck speeds that ecommerce moves at. A notable change to the platform came in 2018 when eBay implemented a series of changes for sellers with the goal of improving the eBay consumer experience and coming closer to the Amazon standard. This update completely up-ended the eBay seller ranking system. Where customers used to be the major ranking factor, the eBay of today instead ranks sellers on their ability to consistently deliver accurate and timely data to the platform.

Although the game has changed, there is a way to arrange your business to be resilient and flexible while also orchestrating the best situation possible for winning eBay… or any ecommerce marketplace. Our latest ebook takes the form of a report, updating our previous iteration A Comprehensive eBay How-To Guide for Omni-Channel SMBs for the eBay of today and how to plan for more changes to come.

Keep scrolling for a free preview of the eBay report and to download the full ebook


This all-new ebook focuses on the fundamental changes that have been made to the marketplace.

Have you found your eBay store languishing since these new changes have come into effect? Did you know eBay has new standards for product listing, inventory, and delivery?

This ebook digests all of the recent updates to eBay for sellers, including providing direct advice that your business can begin implementing today to improve your performance on the sales channel. Achieve and maintain the new eBay “Top Seller Status” and empower your business’ growth.

Download eBay: An Updated Guide for Merchants

Want the most up-to-date eBay resources? Check out

VL’s Complete Business’ Guide To Ebay



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