Black Friday Cyber Monday – A Complete Integration Masterclass For Merchants

Before you know it, Black Friday Cyber Monday will be here– we know VL OMNI’s Merchants are armed and ready with the best front-end experience, filled inventory stocks, great email marketing campaigns, and an integrated agile and scalable back-end pulling it all together. We are more than confident that our customers will gracefully scale and pivot with agility this week and through the rest of the Holiday season.

For those who are sitting BFCM out this year or are unsure about whether they have confidence in their BFCM strategy or applications, we’ve compiled our BFCM Masterclass: a complete compilation of all our content on what you will need to make your next BFCM a success. Below you will find informative and insightful videos, infographics, presentations, and ebooks all focused on the integration strategy and the back-end infrastructure needed to create a stellar BFCM customer experience.

Keep scrolling for your one-stop Masterclass in BFCM!

Lessons In Integration: Preparing For A Successful Black Friday Cyber Monday

The name of the game is now ‘prepare thoroughly and prepare early’.

In order to prepare early and thoroughly, start by taking a look at our ebook below. We present to you a real-life story (and accompanying analysis) from real customer shopping on BFCM, and how the merchant took what makes for a great customer experience for granted, ultimately disappointing the customer. This story (and many others like it) serve to highlight the message of that if you neglect any aspect of the customer experience, your customers will notice (and especially true of BFCM). Moreover, a successful BFCM on a merchant’s books is not the same as a successful BFCM from where your customer sits.




Black Friday Cyber Monday - Creating A Flawless Customer Journey - An Infographic

Our infographic below focuses on how to create a flawless customer journey by making improvements to business data movements and your integration strategy. Some key takeaways include understanding the ways your data moves in your business and how this movement can impact things as seemingly far-reaching as customer experience, to the importance of sharing your business’ data broadly and consistently. Remember, a great looking ecommerce storefront is just the start: don’t forget the back-end! The combination of the technology you use to power your business and the way in which you connect your applications together can either mean free-flowing, accurate data in all portals instantly to form a holistic customer experience — or the exact opposite. Neglect or take one piece for granted — your customers certainly will notice… and especially on BFCM, the most challenging retail period of the year.

The Break Down With VL OMNI – Black Friday Cyber Monday

So is your business ready for BFCM?

Watch our short clip of VL OMNI’s Robin Smith as he breaks down the need for scalable and agile data integration.  


Black Friday Cyber Monday – Creating A Flawless Customer Journey – A Presentation

In this presentation, VL OMNI breaks down four important elements that come together to form a great data integration strategy. Flipping through the presentation, you should ask yourself if your current strategy is hitting all these marks; if not, you have a clear roadmap to improving things well in advance of BFCM. From understanding the ways your data moves within your business, to how this movement can impact things as seemingly far-reaching as customer experience. This presentation is a quick way to do a data integration and automation health check before the year’s end.

Take a closer look and download our presentation on how to create a flawless customer journey.




Is Your Shopify Plus Store Ready for Black Friday Cyber Monday? A VL OMNI Flowchart

So, ask yourself: “Am I manually keying in data between my systems as an ‘integration’ method?” and “Do I use work-arounds for common tasks?” If ‘yes’ is the answer to either of these questions, pause. These are genuine red flags that will impact your ability have a smooth and successful BFCM season this year. VL OMNI knows from experience with multichannel merchants that BFCM can take businesses off guard due to the sheer volume of orders, and this is a perfect storm for failure in undersized integrations (for one). Custom hard-coded (PHP) integrations can fail just like plug-and-play integrations under the intense pressure of BFCM, just like not having the right systems (like an ERP or WMS) can impact the end user experience deeply. After all, the customer experience you cultivate with to your customers over this season will leave a lasting impression for the year(s) to come.


infographic flow chart





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